Welcome to our April E Bulletin
Milica Kitson, CEO of CEWales says now is the time to sign up to the mission of CEWales and drive change and join the movement.
By the time you read this the Easter holidays will be in full swing and you might be planning a break, or maybe thinking ahead to the spring. For many of us that means the beginning of new projects – on site, on the drawing board or discussions round meeting room tables about budgets. For our team at CEWales it means three things – budgets, budgets and membership.
It is important to remember that CEWales now funds itself direct from membership. We no longer receive any money from Welsh Government since it withdrew the grant in 2018. This is something that many people in the industry here in Wales are unaware of, we are clearly not getting the message out as far and wide as we had hoped. The problem with this is loyal friends and supporters do not realise that to back what they want CEWales to pursue we need them to become members. To date we have around 80 individuals and organisations signed up as members, but previously we were working regularly with four times that many and interacting with a wider stakeholder audience of close to 6,500 people.
We know from market research and conversations with people up and down the supply chain that the good will is there – you want the work of CEWales to continue. But to achieve the goals and targets you’ve recommended we pursue we need funding. To be blunt, we need membership income to be at least £80k pa, preferably £100k p.a. and at the same time, we need sponsorship for the CEW Awards. If we can secure that we can continue with all the good work we are well known for. Without this membership income, our future is unsure.
Membership renewal letters have been sent – and please, do accept our deepest gratitude for being members and the ongoing support. But please renew and encourage others to join. In the newsletter you’ll see a piece about membership, sponsorship and some updates about what’s going on. And if, you want to influence CEWales then please come to our membership events in Cardiff and Llandudno on 8th and 10th May. Contact Susan Selkirk, susan.selkirk@cewales.org.uk for details.
Now is a great time to become involved as we are at the beginning of a new chapter. We have a new board and there’s a chance for more people to become involved – at board level, in our leadership group and maybe as a future Chief Executive Officer and Directors. The change agenda we are driving needs new blood. Are you keen to own the challenge and lead the Welsh built environment and ensure we have an industry fit for future generations?