LSkIP Online Business Survey 2018

The Learning, Skills and Innovation Partnership (LSkIP) is the Regional Skills Partnership for South East Wales/Cardiff Capital Region.

The Learning, Skills and Innovation Partnership (LSkIP) is the Regional Skills Partnership for South East Wales/Cardiff Capital Region. We are responsible for providing recommendations to Welsh Government to influence and prioritise the deployment of skills funding, to deliver the employment and skills that industry needs to enable our economy to thrive and grow. Our recommendations form part of an annual Regional Employment and Skills Plan that will be submitted to Welsh Government in the summer.

To inform these recommendations the Partnership needs to understand the employment and skills needs of businesses across the South East Wales region. This is your opportunity to help by having your say. We would appreciate it if you would consider the questions within the survey, which should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. The survey will run until 4th March 2018 and we would appreciate it if you could respond as soon as possible.

To take part please go to:

Responses will be confidential and treated anonymously within any analysis, with no comment linked to any particular business or individual. Your responses will help inform priorities for skills investment and delivery, which will be submitted to Welsh Government in the Employment and Skills Plan.

If you wish to provide further detail by email, or have any questions, please contact

If you experience any difficulties completing this online survey please contact

Y Bartneriaeth Dysgu, Medrau ac Arloesi (LSkIP) yw’r Bartneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol De-ddwyrain Gymru/Mhrifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd. Rydym yn gyfrifol am ddarparu argymhellion i Lywodraeth Cymru i ddylanwadu a blaenoriaethu'r defnydd o gyllid sgiliau, er mwyn darparu’r gyflogaeth a’r sgiliau mae diwydiant yn eu hangen er mwyn galluogi ein heconomi i ffynnu a thyfu. Mae ein hargymhellion yn ffurfio rhan o'r Cynllun Rhanbarthol Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth flynyddol a bydd yn cael ei chyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru yn yr haf.

I lywio argymhellion hyn mae angen i'r bartneriaeth deall anghenion cyflogaeth a sgiliau busnesau ar draws y rhanbarth De-ddwyrain Cymru. Dyma eich cyfle i helpu drwy gael dweud eich dweud. Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi os gallwch chi ystyri’r cwestiynau o fewn yr arolwg, ni ddylai gymryd mwy na 20 munud i gwblhau. Bydd yr arolwg yn rhedeg tan 4 Mawrth 2018. Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi os allwch ymateb cyn gynted ag sy’n bosib.

I gymryd rhan ewch at:

Bydd ymatebion yn gyfrinachol ac yn cael eu trin yn ddienw o fewn unrhyw ddadansoddiad, ni fydd unrhyw sylwadau yn gysylltiedig ag unrhyw fusnes penodol neu unigolyn. Bydd eich ymatebion yn helpu i lywio blaenoriaethau ar gyfer buddsoddi mewn sgiliau a chyflenwi, a gaiff ei gyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru o fewn y Cynllun Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth.

Os hoffech chi roi mwy o fanylion drwy e-bost, neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch ag

Os cewch chi unrhyw anawsterau wrth gwblhau’r arolwg ar-lein hwn, cysylltwch â