Future Proofing our Housing
Housing. We don’t have enough and what we have need work. Urgently. Plans to improve, refurbish and make energy efficient are moving and the Welsh Procurement Alliance is looking to tender two key pieces of work shortly. Will you be ready?
The Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA) will shortly be going out to tender to establish two new frameworks for:
- Refurbishment of social housing and estate improvements
- Energy efficiency and decarbonisation works
The WPA want to appoint contractors from across the country to service the requirements of our public sector clients over the next four years and beyond. The meet the buyer event might have been and gone by the time you read the newsletter – but if you have time go along on 17th July. The details are here –
Village Hotel, 29 Pendwyallt Road, Cardiff CF14 7EF
Wednesday 17th July 2019
Suite: Inspiration 3
Welcome and refreshments: 9:30
WPA workshop: 10:00 – 11:30
They will provide an overview of their plans for the new frameworks and look to provide best practice guidance on the tendering process. The general scope of works likely to be covered by the frameworks is as follows:
- Kitchen and Bathrooms
- Estate Improvements
- Disabled Adaptations
- Electrical Works
- Fire Sprinkler Works
- Painting
- Whole House Void Maintenance
- Gas Safe Works
- Pitched Roofing and Roofline
- Energy Efficiency Retrofit Measures
- Micro generation
- External Wall Insulation
Who are the WPA? WPA provides OJEU compliant frameworks which are used by local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to procure works, products and services for the construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing, schools and public buildings. WPA operate across Wales connecting construction companies, manufacturers and service providers with the needs of our clients. It brings buyers and suppliers together, to build and maintain public property more efficiently and cost effectively, and to benefit local communities.
If you can’t make it on the 17th July and want to find out about the frameworks visit their website for more information www.welshprocurement.cymru
If can go along on Wednesday then please click on the Eventbrite link to register your attendance: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/whole-house-refurbishment-and-improvements-wh2-pre-tender-workshop-tickets-63959283940