CEWales E Bulletin May 22
How do you want to change Welsh construction so that it is sustainable, green, profitable and delivering outcomes fit for future generations? And more importantly, are you willing to play your part in driving that change? Will you be part of the vision?
Right now we are in the midst of setting up the CEW Awards. The big show piece of our CEWales year. But, to ensure we have things to celebrate, and we are worthy of an event we need to drive the change agenda. Or, rather, we all need to drive the change agenda. That means our members as well as stakeholders. And let’s not forget, we want our stakeholders to step up and become members.
So, allow me to recap.
At the end of March we held a member’s meeting to discuss these issues. The CEWales board pitched some initial ideas and after discussion we adopted the feedback we were given and presented a new direction for CEWales.
You can see the slide deck here – but there are four pillars, each with sustainability at its heart:
Buildings – where we work, learn and play
Homes – where we live
Places and infrastructure – what we need around us
Mobility and travel – how we move around
Everyone of these shares cross-cutting themes – decarbonisation and net zero; waste and the circular economy; biodiversity and respect for the environment; innovation; digitalisation; people; health, safety and wellbeing; integration and collaboration and also procurement.
The four pillars now form four working groups within the CEWales management board. That means these are the areas we will focus on to help drive the change we all want to see in the business of construction. But we need to determine exactly what the priorities are. Our desire is that each of the four pillars will, taking one or more of the cross-cutting themes, deliver outcomes of benefit to our membership and wider stakeholders.
These outcomes are what you’ve told us you value most – networking; examples of best practice; supply chain intelligence and prior knowledge of industry pipeline and, of course, recognition, awards and celebration of success.
What we need now is a commitment to deliver on these ideas. We are seeking expressions of interest from members to lead on these four pillars – to translate them from words to action and drive change. The chair of each working group will be a part of the management board, appointing their own team of experts to research, survey, provide answers and commission events to gain industry momentum and educate, inform and influence the supply chain. That commitment is about volunteering time. It is about being part of the leadership team within CEWales. It is about setting the agenda.
Will you be a part of the movement for change? If you want to be at the heart of the action then email catherine.griffith-williams@cewales.org.uk with your expression of interest.
Over to you.