Webinar - Smoothing the Road to Recovery
Constructing Excellence South West, Constructing Excellence in Wales and Constructing Excellence Midlands are combining to look at ways of aiding the road to recovery for construction as we emerge on the other side of lockdown.
The Construction Leadership Council has published its Roadmap to Recovery document which reflects a lot of the values of the Constructing Excellence movement. But to be put into effect it needs buy in from the whole supply chain – particularly the clients. Construction needs educated, enlightened and informed clients to agree to a set of behaviours and be aligned with best practice values for us all to advance on the road to recovery.
That’s why we want to review and update the Clients’ Commitments Best Practice Guide so that it complements the CLC’s Roadmap to Recovery document published on 1st June.
We want to hear your views. How should clients behave? How can clients impact the Roadmap to Recovery? Clients come in all shapes and sizes – from the commissioning client to the contractor buying materials and sub-contracting services. We all play a part as a collaborative partner in the construction process.
Join us for a Zoom Webinar on 10th June at 11am. We will hear from BEIS about the Roadmap to Recovery and also the author of the 2014 Clients’ Commitments, Robert Knight, our former chair of CESW. The planned format will be:
10.50am - Log on to Zoom
11.00am - Introduction from Andrew Carpenter, CEO, CESW and CEM
11.05am - Clients’ Commitments – an explanation - Robert Knight, Igloo
11.15am - Outlining the CLC Roadmap to Recovery – Stuart Young, BEIS
11.25am - *Six break out rooms addressing elements of the Clients Commitments
11.55am - Feedback discussions
12.25pm - Summary/wrap up and actions/outputs – Andrew Carpenter
*Break out rooms:
Design & Quality
Commitment to People
Health & Safety
Procurement & Integration
Client Leadership
A poll will be created at the beginning of the webinar to choose which group you would like to be involved in.
Before you attend the session please make yourself familiar with the following documents:
Roadmap to Recovery
Clients Commitments Best Practice Guide
Please click here to book your place and receive Zoom log in instructions https://bit.ly/rtr100620 we can all use the 90-minutes to agree how we can aid the road to recovery as an integrated team.
Please note if you are unable to use Zoom other options will be sent in advance which include a link to You Tube, you will also be able to dial in.