G4C Wales - Site Visit Canal Quarter, Cardiff

13 Dec
Tuesday 13th December 2022
General Admission £0.00
Join G4C Wales on a site visit to the Canal Quarter in Cardiff, hosted by Knights Brown.

G4C Wales as part of their outreach programme are looking to organise a series of site visits to prominent projects in the region. With its links to urban regeneration and sustainable design the first site visit will take place at the Canal Quarter project in Cardiff.

The session will begin at 9:30 with a presentation at Kinghts Brown office followed by a walk over to the site. NB PPE will be required for the site visit.

The event is for G4C members only (next generation of professionals in the construction industry) and numbers are limited to a maximum of 20. There is no parking at the venue but a NCP is close by: NCP Rapports, David Street, Cardiff CF10 2EH

It is important that a separate email address is used for each delegate booking to ensure all individuals are listed at the event. If you use the same email address for each delegate previous details will be overwritten. Can you also ensure your name, company, email are spelt correctly as these details are automatically uploaded to a delegate list.

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