Policy on waste in Wales - next steps for management, energy generation and the circular economy

04 Jul
Tuesday 4th July 2017
9am - 1pm (registration from 8.30am)
£210 plus VAT

This seminar will focus on the future of waste policy in Wales and the implications for waste management, energy generation and the circular economy.

It comes as the Welsh Government updates its waste strategy Towards Zero Waste and seeks to become a zero waste nation by 2050.

The seminar is scheduled during uncertainty over the impact of Brexit on waste regulations, and as Wales prepares to implement its own landfill tax.

Delegates will also discuss the impact of legislation such as the Environment (Wales) Act, Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act and Planning (Wales) Act on waste policy.

Further planned sessions focus on managing waste to deliver the target of recycling 70% of waste by 2025, developing the circular economy and progress so far in gaining energy from waste and the potential for further action.

Book your place: here
Download: Agenda