Getting Things Done - Evolution of the Built Environment in the Vorarlberg
Over the last half a century, the Vorarlberg region of Austria has developed an international reputation for its radical yet sensitive and considered approach to architecture, design and building. A combination of innovative architects and clients, liberal building and planning regulations, an aspiring regional government and open-minded public has paved the way for a built environment and culture with design quality at its heart. Ecological sensitivity, the value placed on traditional and innovative crafts and skills, investment in young designers, and good understanding of local materials and landscape all contribute to the Vorarlberg phenomenon.
Getting Things Done is a touring exhibition showcasing the architecture of the Vorarlberg. With more than 230 projects and around 700 photographic illustrations, the exhibition offers a comprehensive and critical overview of a movement with its origins in the late 1950s and early 1960s that has been labelled the Vorarlberger Bauschule.
The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University is pleased to be collaborating with the Austrian Cultural Forum London, the Welsh Assembly and the Design Commission for Wales to bring this exhibition to the Senedd in Spring 2016 to promote conversations about the culture of place-making, crafts and design in Wales.
Getting Things Done: Evolution of the Built Environment in the Vorarlberg will be displayed in the Oriel at the Senedd between 5th April and 6th May 2016, and open to the public 8am - 8pm Tuesday - Thursday; and 9.30am - 4.30pm Mondays - Fridays.
The exhibition will be formally opened by the Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM and the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, Dr. Martin Eichtinger at an invited event on 13th April in the Senedd.
The Getting Things Done Symposium will be held on 28th April in the Main Hall of the Pierhead Building with invited experts from the Vorarlberg, Austria and the UK, including the exhibition's curator, Wolfgang Fiel. The symposium will inspire discussions about the culture of landscape, materials, craft, environment, place and identity.
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