Closing the Gap Between Design & As-Built Performance – Swansea
Download: Presentation
Download: Design vs as Built Performance Gap End of Term Report
The South West Wales Best Practice Club and WLZCH are pleased to welcome the Zero Carbon Hub to present their recently published report into Performance Gap. There has been a growing realisation that homes designed to meet current and future standards of energy performance may fall short of expectations. This event will present the evidence review report undertaken by the Zero Carbon Hub into the major reasons that the performance gap occurs.
Why is there a performance gap?
This gap might arise in a number of ways within the overall house-building process and, if significant and widespread, may constitute a considerable risk.
Why is closing the gap important?
A gap in a building’s performance would mean that new housing cannot be relied upon to play its expected role in the national carbon reduction plan. For owners and occupants, energy bills may be higher than expected, undermining buyer confidence in new (low carbon) homes. For these reasons, even though the origin, size and extent of the gap have not been precisely identified to date, its investigation is seen as a high priority by government and by a wide spectrum of interest groups across the sector.
In order to help facilitate the closure of the gap between design and as‐built performance, the Zero Carbon Hub is leading a major project that collaboratively engages industry and government in seeking and implementing solutions. The project was launched by the then Minister responsible for Building Regulations, the Rt. Hon Don Foster MP at EcoBuild 2013. The evidence review report was published March 2014.
Closing the Gap Between Design and As-Built Performance – Evidence New Report
What’s in the report?
The report summarises the evidence gathering and assessment process undertaken between August 2013 and January 2014. It provides industry and government with a structured review of how and where the Performance Gap occurs within the current house building process. This has involved a co-ordinated analysis of published literature and confidential industry research, and the development of a process review methodology to gather primary evidence from house building delivery teams, including visits to live construction sites. The evidence collected so far has been used to prioritise which issues are considered to be the major contributors to the Performance Gap.1 The prioritisation process has been based upon the extent of evidence found and the significance each issue is considered to have on the Performance Gap.
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