Wales Low Zero Carbon Hub: – Integrating water and energy efficiency – building regulations and beyond

08 Mar
Thursday 8th March 2012
8am – 11am

Presentation – Sally Sudworth

Presentation – Andrew Burton

Presentation – Andrew Tucker

Produced and Edited by Josh Eley & Matthew Steggles – Second Year Students at University of Glamorgan Special Thanks to Sara Jolly

The Wales Low Zero Carbon Hub is delighted to host the following meeting.

Heating hot water in the home (excluding central heating) accounts for 3% of annual carbon dioxide emissions in Wales (5% for the UK – equivalent to aviation). As we address space heating emissions, heating water will become a larger proportion of domestic carbon emissions.

A 50-80% reduction in natural summer river flows is predicted for Wales by the 2050s. We face further pressure with 200,000 new homes by 2025 and 80% of existing less-efficient homes remaining by 2050. The carbon emission mitigation potential of combined water and energy efficiency can enable adaptation responses through cost effective delivery of water efficiency using existing energy programmes and the devolved building regulations.

Aaron Burton, Water Resources Advisor, Environment Agency Wales

  • Why water and energy efficiency?
  • Integrating policy and programmes
  • Progress to date and current behaviour change programmes
  • Future opportunities 

Andrew Tucker, Water Strategy Manager, Energy Saving Trust

  • Improving water efficiency within the building regulations.
  • Lessons learned from the devolved building regulations for Scotland.
  • Case-studies and modelling for changes in Wales.

It is our intention to hold a similar event in North Wales (or a live Webinar); details will be added to the CEW Website and Newsletter once confirmed.

How to Book: This event is free of charge but you must register in advance. To reserve your place please stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend.

Non attendance by any registered delegate will be charged £40 plus VAT unless you have informed us by Monday 5th March 2012.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.