CIWM Cymru Wales and Cylch Event: “Reduce Use, Increase Reuse”

05 Oct
Friday 5th October 2012
10am – 1pm (lunch provided)
Margam Orangery, Port-Talbot
The cost of the event is £30 per person for CIWM and Cylch members, £40 for non-members and £25 for students.

Download: Booking Form & Map & Directions

CIWM Cymru Wales and Cylch are holding an event “Reduce Use, Increase Reuse” at the Margam Orangery in Port-Talbot on Friday 5th of October.  Registration will start at 10.00am, the conference at 10.30 am.  Also, for those interested in learning about the CIWM and /or, if already members, upgrading their CIWM membership, there will be a workshop in the afternoon from 2.15pm    

To reserve your place please send the booking form with payment to:
Celine Anouilh
CIWM, PO Box 5144

By Monday 1st October mid-day.

Cheques should be made payable to CIWM Cymru Wales.