CIWEM Welsh Branch: New Members Group – Galway, Ireland

16 Aug
Thursday 16th August 2012
Weekend event

Download: Flyer

We invite you to join us for our 5th Study Trip. Following very successful study trips to London, The Netherlands, North Wales and La Rance the New Members Group are pleased to be running a study trip to Ireland this year, in the Galway region. Activities will focus on marine renewable energy sources and water resources management.

Speakers: Speakers from the Marine Institute, National University of   Ireland Galway and Luimnagh Water Treatment Plant

If you would like to attend please contact: there will be a charge of £100 for the weekend.  This includes travel and accommodation.  Please note that places will be limited and allocated on a first come first served basis.  Please book early to ensure your place for further details please see flyer.