Low Carbon Research Institute Conference – Cardiff
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The conference will bring together researchers, policy makers and industry to look holistically at the low carbon agenda. It will focus on the R&D and innovation needed to deliver governmental policy objectives in Wales, the UK and internationally, together with the technological, economic and social challenges and opportunities this will involve.
The Conference includes guest speakers at two key plenary events and twenty-eight technical / academic sessions run in four themes across the two day conference. During these sessions research and development across the LCRI’s sic main research strands of Bio-energy, Built Environment, hydrogen, Large Scale POWER Generation, marine and Solar PV will be presented by academics, industrial partners and government representatives.
There will also be exhibition and academic poster displays.
A full programme is available at www.lcri.org.uk, and will be emailed to attendees on registration
For enquires and bookings contact:
Rhian Williams Email: williamsr60@cardiff.ac.uk
Kath Head Email: kathh@cardiff.ac.uk
Telephone: 029 20870003