Winning Business in Libya Opportunities and Business Development Briefing – Cardiff

06 Oct
Wednesday 6th October 2010
£25.00 plus VAT

Download: Presentation

With the support of SECBE, Constructing Excellence in Wales is hosting a morning briefing on how Welsh built environment companies can learn how to target a slice of the Libyan construction boom worth £36 billion over the next three years.                                                                                                                  

The Libyan construction sector is hungry for British expertise.  Ambitious plans are sometimes slow to develop because of a lack of experience throughout the supply chain and the country is genuinely looking to the UK for help and support. Companies such as AMEC, Mott MacDonald, Mace and Parsons Brinckerhoff are already winning work.  

SECBE helps construction and built environment professionals to win work in Libya by sharing the costs and risks associated with market development. The team has a regular presence in the market and has been building networks and market intelligence since June 2008.

We invite you to benefit from SECBE’s work by sharing the following programme:

  • Introduction to Libya – Key statistics, geography, political and cultural background
  • Major Government Departments – How they are organised and headline procurement responsibilities/budgets
  • Industry Sector Opportunities – Planned investment in a number of sectors including housing, tourism and infrastructure
  • Major Developments Overview – Whole new cities and regions that would benefit from UK skills in construction
  • Business visits to Libya – Preparation before travelling and tips on the mechanics of doing business
  • Case Studies

Who should attend – Key decision-makers from companies considering entry into Libya or those already operating in-country that would like to find out about SECBE’s UK Construction Consortium in Libya. We have more leads than our current members can handle.

The charge for the event is £25 plus VAT you must register with us in advance.

To reserve your place please reply to stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you informed us by Friday 1st October

Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.