South East Wales Contractors Framework Schools and Public Buildings – Contractors Event

18 Aug
Wednesday 18th August 2010

Download: Presentation
Download: Framework Report – Contractors Consult
Download: Palette Appendix
Download: Framework Questionnaire

The Welsh Assembly Government in collaboration with Local government is planning a long term investment programme for schools that will impact the school infrastructure and provision right across Wales. This will deliver:

• Learning environments for schools in Wales that will enable the successful implementation of strategies for school improvement and better educational outcomes;
• Greater economy and efficiency through better use of resources to improve the cost-effectiveness of the education estate; and
• A sustainable education system with all schools in Wales meeting national building standards and reducing the recurrent costs and carbon footprint of the public estate

A South East Wales Schools Capital Collaborative (SEWSCAP) set up between the 10 South East Wales local authorities, has been established to identify and develop the opportunities for collaboration on 21st Century Schools and have initiated the development of a contractor framework to be hosted by Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC to appoint the contractor delivery partners for these projects but also for any public buildings contracts which they or other partners may wish to let.

This work is progressing quickly with the intention of placing OJEU advert for the framework in August and commencement of the framework in December 2010 in order to develop and deliver school construction school refurbishment, and other public buildings programmes planned for commencement early in 2011.

In order to inform this process Rhondda Cynon Taf are holding a contractor event to provide information about the  intended procurement, to update contractors of the current position and provide an opportunity for contractors to provide consultation on the intended approach.

Attending the event will provide contractors with more information about the 21st Century schools programme and an opportunity to hear about the intended framework development.   

You can download a copy of the consultation document SEWSCAP Framework Strategy  and a form devised to provide feedback or if you wish to raise any issues.

There is no charge for this event but you must register with CEW in advance if you wish to attend. CEW is assisting SEWSCAP in the hosting of this event.

How to reserve a place: If you wish to attend please email with your full contact details. We will forward venue details to you with confirmation of your booking. If the consultation event is oversubscribed, the event will be repeated later that same day.