Consultative Forum Major Construction Procurement in the NHS in Wales – Llandudno
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Constructing Excellence in Wales is working closely with Welsh Health Estates to facilitate industry open days to invite views from the supplier market on the proposals for the second generation procurement models for major construction projects carried out by the NHS in Wales.
The NHS in Wales has successfully operated the Designed for Life: Building for Wales procurement framework since July 2006. Following an independent review the Welsh Assembly Government has instructed Welsh Health Estates to put in place the procurement of the follow on framework.
As part of this process it is important that the supplier market serving the NHS in Wales understands the proposals that are being planned ‘to enable it to influence the process and be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. The purpose of the industry open day is to explain in greater detail the strategic delivery plan and invite the views of the supplier market on the proposal.
A consultation document outlining the process and proposals is available at
Printed copies will be available on the industry days. For further information and to reserve your place,
Please e-mail your contact details to or call on +44 (0) 2920 493322. Venue details will be sent to you upon registration.
Mae Adelladu Arbenlprwydd yng Nghymru yn cydwelthlo’n agos ag Ystadau lechyd Cymru I hwyluso diwrnodau agored i ddiwydiant er mwyn gwahodd y farchnad gyflenwyr i roi barn ar y cynigion ar gyfer yr ail genhedlaeth o fodelau caffael ar gyfer prosiectau adeiladu pwysig a gyflawnir gan y GIG yng Nghymru.
Mae’r GIG yng Nghymru wedi gweithredu fframwaith caffael Cynllun Oes: Adeiladu ar gyfer Cymru yn IIwyddiannus ers mis Gorffennaf 2006. Yn dilyn adolygiad annibynnol mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru wedi rhoi cyfarwyddyd i Ystadau lechyd Cymru i weithredu’r fframwaith dilynol ar gyfer caffael. Fel rhan o’r broses hon, mae’n bwysig bod yfarchnad gyflenwyr sy’n gwasanaethu’r GIG yng Nghymru yn deall y cynigion sydd ar y gweill, er mwyn medru dylanwadu ar y broses a bod yn barod ar gyfer yr heriau a ddaw yn y dyfodol. Diben y diwrnod agored i ddiwydiant yw egluro’r cynllun cyflawni strategol yn fanylach, a gwahodd y farchnad gyflenwyr i fynegi barn ar y cynnig. Mae dogfen ymgynghori sy’n amlinellu’r broses a’r cynigion ar gael yn
Bydd copiau printiedig ar gael ar y diwrnodau i ddiwydiant. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ac i gadw lie, e-bostiwch eich manylion i neu ffoniwch ar +44 (0)2920 493322.