Replacement of Bettws High School and Hartridge High School, Newport

16 Jul
Thursday 16th July 2009

A ‘Final Peer Review’ for the Constructing Excellence in Wales Demonstration Programme

Download Arup Presentation
Download HLM Presentation
Download Newport Presentation

Newport City Council embarked on the replacement of Bettws High School and Hartridge High School in the city. In 2006, the council identified significant concerns over aspects of the design, fitness for purpose and structural viability of the two schools and, in order to meet the government target that all schools should be fit for purpose, have been working with the designers, contractors, consultants and end users to deliver 2 new schools for the area by September 2010 and September 2011.

Since we first heard from the project team in December 2007 at the initial Demonstration Peer Review, we have experienced unforeseen and unprecedented turmoil in the economy. So how have the project team fared? Has their approach helped them deliver the schools?

As part of the presentation you will have opportunities to participate in the discussion and provide your own ‘review’ or assessment of the project via a simple scoring mechanism.  This provides a valuable stage in the process of a project becoming a ‘demonstration’.

You must register in advance. There is no charge for the event. To reserve your place please reply to this email stating your full contact details. PPE is required for the site visit

Details of venue etc will be sent to you following receipt of your registration.

There is no charge for the event. To reserve your place please reply to this email stating your full contact details.

Contact details:
Constructing Excellence in Wales
2nd Floor East, Longcross Court, 47 Newport Road, Cardiff. CF24 0AD
Tel: +44 (0) 2920 493322 Email: