Sustainable Schools Challenge

Three new net zero carbon schools will be built, one in north Wales, one in south-west Wales and a third in south-east Wales. Announced in March 2023 this Sustainable Schools Challenge is aimed to promote innovation in the sector whilst collaborating with all stakeholders from the pupils, staff and community who will use the school to the supply chain who will design build and maintain the school.

 (translated version below) 

Sustainable Schools Challenge leading the way for the Welsh Government

Case studies from the Sustainable Schools Challenge will inform the Welsh Government and the construction sector on good practice on innovation in sustainability and collaboration.

Through the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme bids were commissioned for the innovative delivery of two new primary schools in Wales that demonstrated innovation and collaboration with local communities - including school pupils - in their design, delivery and management.  Such was the interest in the Sustainable Schools Challenge three successful bids were chosen to progress: these being Bontnewydd Community Campus in Gwynedd, Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Rhosafan in Neath Port Talbot and a new primary school in the Glyn-Coch community of Rhondda Cynon Taf.

The approach taken by each of the three project teams will present the pathway taken for their exciting design and collaborative approach and will act as a blueprint for future school developments. They offer an opportunity to learn about sustainability, and also for learners to have an opportunity to be involved with the design and delivery of these buildings, to shape the environment they will learn with and to understand how decisions taken today have an impact on their future.


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Sustainable Schools’ Challenge Announced

Written Statement: Sustainable Schools’ Challenge (28 September 2022) | GOV.WALES

Invitation to the Challenge

sustainable-schools-challenge.pdf (

Press Release

Three new net zero carbon schools to be built - with design help from school pupils

Three new net zero carbon schools to be built - with design help from school pupils | GOV.WALES

Sustainable Schools Challenge Update


Collaboration Workshop Report

Report from the first in a series of workshops bringing together the three project teams.

Down to Earth report



Bydd tair ysgol garbon sero-net newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu, un yn y gogledd, un yn ne-orllewin Cymru a'r drydedd yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru.  Wedi'i chyhoeddi ym mis Mawrth 2023 nod yr Her Ysgolion Cynaliadwy hon yw hyrwyddo arloesedd yn y sector tra'n cydweithio â'r holl randdeiliaid o'r disgyblion, staff a'r gymuned a fydd yn defnyddio'r ysgol i'r gadwyn gyflenwi a fydd yn dylunio adeiladu a chynnal a chadw'r ysgol. 



 Her Ysgolion Cynaliadwy yn arwain y ffordd i Lywodraeth Cymru

Bydd astudiaethau achos o'r Her Ysgolion Cynaliadwy yn hysbysu Llywodraeth Cymru a'r sector adeiladu ar arfer da ar arloesi mewn cynaliadwyedd a chydweithio.


Drwy Raglen Cymunedau Dysgu Cynaliadwy Llywodraeth Cymru, comisiynwyd cynigion ar gyfer cyflwyno dwy ysgol gynradd newydd yng Nghymru ynarloesol a oedd yn dangos arloesedd a chydweithio âchymunedau lleol - gan gynnwys disgyblion ysgol - wrth ddylunio, cyflwyno a rheoli.  Cymaint oedd y diddordebyn HerYsgolion Cynaliadwy dewiswyd tri chais llwyddiannus i symud ymlaen: rhain oedd Campws Cymunedol Bontnewydd yng Ngwynedd, Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Rhosafan yn Castell-nedd Port Talbot ac ysgol gynradd newydd yng nghymuned Glyn-Coch yn Rhondda Cynon Taf.

 Bydd y dull a gymerwyd gan bob un o'r tri thîm prosiect yn cyflwyno'r llwybr a gymerir ar gyfer eu dyluniad cyffrous a'u dull cydweithredol a bydd yn gweithredu fel glasbrint ar gyfer datblygiadau ysgolion yn y dyfodol. Maent yn cynnig cyfle i ddysgu am gynaliadwyedd, a hefyd i ddysgwyr gael cyfle i fod yn rhan o'r gwaith o gynllunio a chyflwyno'r adeiladau hyn, i lunio'r amgylchedd y byddant yn dysgu gydag ef ac i ddeall sut mae penderfyniadau a wneir heddiw yn cael effaith ar eu dyfodol.


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Cyhoeddi Her Ysgolion Cynaliadwy

Datganiad Ysgrifenedig: Her Ysgolion Cynaliadwy (28 Medi 2022) | LLYW.CYMRU

Gwahoddiad i'r Her

her-ysgolion-cynaliadwy.pdf (

Datganiad Wasg

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Tair ysgol carbon sero net newydd i’w hadeiladu – a’r disgyblion yn helpu i’w dylunio | LLYW.CYMRU

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